Through the end of the month, we’re offering free staff training and discounted setup services to begin using MyAlyce. Click here to learn more.
Overdose Death Prevention
Treatment centers, sober living residences, and clinics cannot prevent individuals from overdosing. People may ask why?
If people want to use drugs, they will find a way. These are some common ways people obtain drugs:
Dealers or visitors often put the drugs in bushes or other hiding places.
People bring drugs hidden in makeup containers, clothes lining, or on their person.
Dealers use unsuspecting drivers of Uber or Lyft to deliver the drugs.
Transportation companies such as US Postal Service, FedEx, and UPS unsuspectingly provide drugs.
People sneak out of their recovery residences to acquire the drugs and return before being detected.
As a comparison, even in heavily regulated and secure facilities like jails and prisons, drug overdose deaths are up by more than 600% over the last decade. If we cannot keep drugs out of the prisons, keeping drugs out of our recovery programs is even more challenging.
Overdose deaths in recovery programs commonly happen in bathrooms where people have privacy and time. Many programs implement measures to prevent drugs from entering their facilities, such as increased security checks and surveillance, drug-sniffing dogs, and restrictions on visitation and mail. However, the reality is that drugs will be a persistent problem in recovery homes, which is the reason for MyAlyce.
Clients and staff in recovery centers wear MyAlyce watchbands to detect changes in breathing and heart rate or identify persons who are not moving for an extended period. We've included a variety of alerts to help reduce false alarms and support team members in locating clients in the facility.
Through the end of the month, we’re offering free staff training and discounted setup services to begin using MyAlyce. Click here to learn more.
Relapse Prevention
Relapses are confusing, unpredictable, and dangerous. Often, caregivers, clinicians, and the person are baffled by a relapse. Among treatment center professionals, you'll hear comments such as, the person was doing so well. I'm not sure why they relapsed, or they will ask the person who relapsed, and they will say I don't know why I relapsed. It came out of nowhere.
Substance use disorders and Impulse control disorders are a group of mental health conditions characterized by a persistent pattern of impulsivity, which can include behaviors such as substance abuse, gambling, or compulsive eating.
Common warning signs of a potential relapse may include anxiety, depression, boredom, and being in situations or around people that trigger cravings for drugs or alcohol.
MyAlyce, an AI-powered wearble used by clients and team members of treatment centers, provides real-time analysis of biometric patterns that may help predict stress, triggered states, anxiety, depression, other signs that may provide a warning to help prevent relapse.
Through the end of the month, we’re offering free staff training and discounted setup services to begin using MyAlyce. Click here to learn more.
Increased Client Ownership
Overall, autonomy is an essential factor in promoting motivation and self-esteem, as it allows individuals to take control of their lives and pursue their goals in a personally meaningful and rewarding way. Many clients feel controlled, isolated, and restricted in treatment centers. MyAlyce helps increase people's awareness of their mood, stress levels, and physiology. Our software application empowers wearers to learn to reduce stress, improve mood, and increase mastery over their minds and body.